“life at 9”

Dearies me, living the best life from the very beginning. 90’s kid the amazing ones!, life is gifted only once, the rest is all based on our decisions, what ever we decide to do in life is what reflected back to us. The life is full of good and bad decisions, sometimes we do find good in bad but most often we extract bad from the good lies in us!. Life is not that complicated it is all based on our thoughts 💭. We laugh in the good times while there are some bad among us that laugh in our bad times, Good times bad times all are the rhymes of vibrations we generate within our 4 pieces of heart that’s hilarious, still we call it heart., Heart and hurt though sounds similar but those two words are completely different from one another somehow connection within two words is complicated, but the connection in sharing is unique as we all are! Somehow 99% of the human race is similar the difference is 1% which is truly unique among us 🧎. This is how we do it, one can not steal from others which resides within the human brain, Neuroscience is still somehow trying to reach the depth of the vibrations and frequencies generated by heart and brain but these are two completely different organs, Heart is heart brain is brain, some doctors said we somehow get 7 minutes in the last moment of ourselves., I don’t find those 7 minutes any useful to anyone but the human ending it’s race and the human race is never ending. One should consider life as a beautiful journey full of fun and entertainment, live life in such an amazing way that the time once you turn onn 7 minutes flashback! it should be free of regrets and full of smiles and beautiful rewind with a never ending smile. Some people consider their precious life as a game they play online or offline on PC or Cellphone they get as many lives as many as they want, but none of the games are true, y’all living in virtual world while ignoring the natural world 🌍. Staying close to nature feels good, the Sun 🌞 the Moon 🌚 and somewhere in between the Earth 🌎 where life exists, somehow some people are able to discover the existence of life on other planets, somewhat true! but ignoring planet Earth is not the right way to discover life of others maybe existing on other planets or maybe not, Life starts immediately with first breath and lasts untill Last Breeze, Life doesn’t always gives a second chance so adore it until it lasts, Journey is full of surprises and the world is never ending, live life to the fullest with all the potential and compassion you ever have or having already or had, you are the Human and one can not change anyone but yourself. We all are born in the same way somehow, but we all die in different ways this is what separates every human being from one another. We all had sins in our past or might be some of us carrying their sins among one self as pre destined you never know what the curse bring inn..

‘Alone’ in Life ‘Truths and Lies’

Dearies me, In this world full of faces I discovered it’s only me in the last ‘The Last Man Standing’ it’s me against the whole life thing, I’m having a lot on my table but those are just life things and nothing on my own. So far I went looking for myself in the end I found myself Alone. I belong to a Punjabi family where they understand your needs but nobody wants to understand what you truly desire. Seems like they don’t want to listen. They just spill out their all-day thoughts, imaginations & emotions all over You. Family talks especially ‘Dad talks’ are mysteriously complicated to understand. The love connection we share is really unique & real but somewhat conditional on both ends their expectations kill my reality. Sometimes I feel like I am ghosting myself, it’s not always the true version of myself y’all see! Everybody has a different version of me in their mind, thoughts & imaginations, it is not what you see or how you see me! It is who I am underneath! We all are the same up to 99% only the 1% is what makes us different & the little 1% is what they call soul..! Our soul i.e our unique identity! in other words, the Soul is the functional unit of the body. Only that 1% represents our true nature although we never show our true face to anyone but we face it every day, hiding somewhere inside! just to show people what they want to see & how they want to see.

I was raised in lies like everyone else. We don’t learn how to lie it’s always there as a defensive mechanism of ourselves, with passing time we gain expertise in lying every little lie improves the next lie. Life is full of lies! only the first cry & the last breathe is true. The truth is far away from reality, we barely learn to speak the truth but I consider myself Lucky as My Dad taught me to speak the truth, It is an art! ” Speaking the truth ” how to speak the truth, where to speak the truth, when to speak the truth, Whom to speak truth & how much of the truth one should speak.! People believe in our expressions, looks & attitude more than our words. No matter how true you are but if you act dumb nobody’s gonna believe you. On the other side if you are acting like a genius no matter how fake you are everybody’s going to believe you easily. Those people are rare who observe their surroundings. Otherwise, most of the people wanna hear their truth from you! It is what they are expecting from you. It’s really easy these days to get into someone’s head. Tell them the truth they want to know, that’s how you speak the truth. Sometimes one’s truth you see is never acceptable to others, So you simply keep it to yourself, acting like you don’t know where to speak or whom to say. Sometimes the truth is ugly & unethical one’s truth is taboo for others so you speak the truth but only up to a certain limit which could be accepted by society. You can always speak the truth to yourself no matter how harsh it is ending up being truthful to yourself. If you ever feel trapped in between truths & lies think outside the trap ðŸŠĪ there’s always a key to unlock the trap all you need is to think about the trap to figure out what kind of trap it is. If you think in the same way they want you to react, you will be trapped forever, do not think about the lock they put on the trap. Think about the trap instead & get yourself a key that will set you free like you always wanna be. Otherwise “Nobody allows you just to be Yourself”.